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Will Covid-19 accelerate the growth in homeschooling in Virginia?

While COVID-19 has impacted and continues to impact communities worldwide, it is also changing, in perhaps sometimes positive ways, how we manage our daily lives. The pandemic has caused many of us to rely much more heavily on online services that allow us to work, shop and even have doctor’s appointments from home. It has […]

Negative Emissions: Deployment Implications

This paper evaluates the impacts and tradeoffs of three distinct types of negative emissions technologies – afforestation, BECCS and DAC – in two emissions pathways to reach 1.5°C.

School counselors provide critical service in K-12 schools

Even in non-pandemic times, K-12 schools tend to be under resourced, especially in low wealth areas, but now during the COVID-19 pandemic when government leaders face difficult decisions about how to allocate diminishing funds, K-12 education will face even greater budget constraints. While teachers’ salaries and funds for capital investment are critical, another equally important […]

Inside the Income Gap for some Black Virginians

Arguably, the most persistent demographic trend through the centuries in Virginia and the U.S. has been the difference in socioeconomic status between Black Americans and non-Black Americans. By many measures the socioeconomic gap between Black Americans and non-Black Americans has not changed considerably in half a century, adding fuel to assertions that many of our […]

Albemarle County Community Survey

A survey conducted for Albemarle County to determine residents’ opinions on the quality of life, present and projected infrastructure goals, city services, housing, and employment opportunities given the County's increasing population.

Demographer’s Dilemma: Challenges in analyzing consequences of COVID-19

With the novel coronavirus causing a worldwide paradigm shift, I was genuinely tempted to jump into the data and analyze all possible permutations of what the potential impacts may be. Should I first plot the number of cases in Virginia with corresponding population densities on a map, or should I find causal connections between the […]

How COVID-19 Could Impact the 2020 Census

The census, which is conducted every ten years, provides a snapshot of the general characteristics of the U.S. population, including place of residence on April 1. This year, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, obtaining an accurate census count will be especially challenging for a variety of reasons: Some people may not have been […]