Center for Survey Research
Work With UsAs a full-service survey center, the Center for Survey Research offers customized project design, professional interviewing, data collection, data analysis, and report preparation to governments, organizations, and researchers nationwide.
CSR is equipped to oversee all stages of the research process from initial study design through data collection to analysis and reporting, regularly managing clients' projects from start to finish. CSR can also handle various stages within the survey process, such as questionnaire development or data collection, depending on the client’s needs and resources. We look forward to partnering with you.
- How Much Do Surveys Cost?
CSR's rates are competitive with other academic and commercial survey organizations. Project costs can vary widely depending on factors such as the scope of services you require, the survey methodology used, the number of respondents, the nature of the sample, etc. Costs can range anywhere from $5,000 to $150,000. So while typical projects have been in the $20,000 to $50,000 range, we have also done smaller and larger projects. We invite you to contact one of our senior staff to discuss the scope of your project and factors that govern cost.
- How Will My Survey Reach People?
CSR can advise you on the most productive and cost-effective method for collecting your data: telephone, mail, electronically, or in-person. CSR ensures scientific validity of your study by helping specify procedures for selecting respondents within households, securing cooperation, and following up incomplete interviews or questionnaires.
- What Kinds of Questions Should I Ask on My Survey?
CSR will help you determine the best question formats to measure people's opinions, experiences, attitudes, and behaviors. We can advise you on the proper sequencing of items, a critical design feature for maintaining objectivity, and ensuring that respondents understand your questions. After that, CSR can write the questions for you or can help you write your own.