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Meeting China’s 2060 Carbon Neutrality Goal

This paper models the use of direct air capture and other negative transmission technologies (NETs) in China to understand the role of NETs in helping China and the international community achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.

Developing a Smart Grid for Virginia

This report explores how smart grid capabilities can enable integration of clean energy resources, energy storage, and demand management technologies as Virginia's policymakers and stakeholders make the transition to clean energy.

Decarbonizing Virginia's Economy

This report explores four strategies for decarbonization in Virginia: efficiency in energy use, eliminating fossil fuels from electricity generation, electrifying transportation services and building energy use, and capturing and sequestering remaining CO2 emissions.

Smoothing the Path to Solar

A report offering case study observations that could inform efforts to create a more predictable, efficient, and timely permitting process for utility-scale solar facility construction in Virginia.

Why are so many Asian Americans unemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic?

An intriguing phenomenon In the past, Asians in the US consistently enjoyed low unemployment across all racial groups, even in 2009−the worst year of the Great Recession. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, Asians experienced unemployment rates higher than Whites, peaking at 15% in May 2020. Even as the economy started to improve and the unemployment […]

The Misleading Narrative of a Disappearing White Majority

Categories that are inaccurateFor more than thirty years, media headlines have touted a population tipping point in which the white majority is overtaken numerically by minorities of all other races and ethnicities. These headlines are misleading. The “white” majority only seems to be disappearing because a growing number of white Americans are counted as minorities […]

The Soft Costs of Distributed Solar

This study examines the share of soft costs in solar panel installation and offers policy recommendations for lowering the share of soft costs to make solar more competitive.

COVID-19 becomes the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States

For most of the last decade, the leading causes of death in the U.S. have remained the same, and the steady increase in mortality over the years has been largely due to an aging population. But the 2020 death statistics will be different. With over 300,000 deaths projected by end of Dec 2020, COVID-19 will […]

Crime and Police Data in Virginia

An always contentious topic, crime and policing have been at the forefront of American life for the past few years, and even more so in 2020. While there is no comprehensive record of every incident that may have occurred, in the broader context of criminal justice reform, national- and state-level crime data do tell an […]