About Survey Research
Survey Research HomeHow We Design Projects
The Center for Survey Research is a full-service survey center that can assist with every step of a survey project from designing the project, to collecting the data, to completing comprehensive but accessible reports.
- Designing Your Sample
CSR helps you decide on a sample size that suits your study objectives, design, and budget. We offer:
- Random-Digit-Dialing Samples: This method allows all phone numbers in a selected region an equal chance of being dialed. By adding a random number 4-digit number to a given prefix, a complete telephone number is created. This allows us to reach numbers that may be unlisted.
- Targeted Computer-Generated Telephone Numbers: We can produce targeted numbers to your study area to produce representative samples of residential households, including both listed and unlisted numbers.
- Targeted Samples: CSR can design your sample to increase the chances of reaching the population subgroups of interest to your study.
- Listed Samples: Sometimes the most cost-effective route to a good sample is from a list that you supply or that CSR obtains for you.
- How We Collect Data
We can advise on the most productive and cost-effective method of collecting your data: telephone, mail, electronic, or in-person. We ensure scientific validity for your study by helping to specify procedures for selecting respondents within households, securing cooperation, and following up incomplete interviews or questionnaires.
CATI increases the efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility of surveys, operating in the background while the trained interviewer asks the questions and probes for accurate responses. The computer system stores a database of phone numbers and streamlines the process of sampling numbers, dialing, scheduling callbacks, and recording the outcome of each call attempt. CATI also eliminates the costs and inaccuracies of separate data entry. It displays questions in a programmed sequence for the interviewer who then records the responses directly into the database.
When you need to survey businesses or organizations, CSR interview specialists can get answers from busy professionals. Our trained interviewers can also manage complex quota designs or mixed data-collection modes.
CSR uses the "tailored design method" to organize multiple mailings that maximize response rate and minimize non-response bias. CSR can do your questionnaire layout work in-house.
CSR uses Qualtrics to create web surveys in-house. Qualtrics is a flexible, easy to use web-based software for the creation and implementation of sophisticated, user-friendly online surveys. Qualtrics stores all response data and allows for easy download in multiple formats. Qualtrics can also be used to schedule both reminder and thank-you emails based on completion of the survey.
Semi-structured in-depth interviewing via telephone, mail surveys using electronic CATI/CAPI techniques, focus groups, and more.
- The Best Ways to Get the Answers You Need
- Writing Questions: CSR can write questions for you or assist you in drafting your own. We ensure that the responses to your questions provide the information necessary to your study.
- Scales and Measures: CSR will help you determine the best question formats to measure people's opinions, experiences, attitudes, and behavior.
- Question Order: We can advise you on proper sequencing of items, a critical design feature for maintaining objectivity and ensuring that respondents understand your study.
- Sensitive Questions: Several effective strategies may be employed to elicit confidential or personal information that may be crucial to your study.
- Pre-Testing: Before a survey is implemented, CSR will test your instrument in the field.
- Revisions: We will then work with you to eliminate any problems with questionnaire design, wording, definition of terms, response categories, programming, sequencing, or timing.
- Reporting Results
- Descriptive statistical analysis of survey responses
- Cross-classification analysis with demographic or other predictive factors
- Adjustments for stratified and strategic sampling
- Multivariate analysis (ANOVA, linear and non-linear regression, logistic response models, categorical methods)
- Comparisons over time, longitudinal analyses
- Sensitivity analysis, significance testing
- Content analysis of open-ended responses
- Matching to U.S. Census and other geosocial data
- Data entry from your questionnaires
- Ethics & Best Practices
CSR subscribes to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Code of Professional Ethics and Practices in the conduct of our work. As AAPOR members, we pledge to maintain the highest standards of scientific competence, integrity, accessibility, and transparency in our work, and in our interactions with participants, clients, and users of our research.
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