Rebecca Trezise
Rebecca Trezise 's Biography
Rebecca has 25+ years of global human resources and talent development experience that ranges from start-up to dynamic corporate environments to now immersed in the world of local government. Rebecca currently serves the County of Frederick, VA as the leader of the Training & Development & Data Analytics functions. Since starting in September 2023, Rebecca has worked collaboratively across departments to implement an enterprise-wide talent development strategy, partner with the Virginia Institute of Government for the County’s inaugural leadership programs and overhaul the performance management philosophy and programs to an online evaluation platform with modern elements. Since the dawn of the Covid-era, Rebecca has been consulting with select clients as an executive coach, leadership programs facilitator and human resources practitioner through Rebecca Trezise Talent Services.
Over her career, Rebecca has led complex people initiatives that require C-suite commitment and support at all levels, multiple work streams, and, frankly at times, shear grit. During her 16 years at Tokio Marine HCC Insurance Company, while serving as the global Director of Talent Development, she spearheaded a project team that designed and implemented a 2-year leadership development program which prepared select operational leaders for strategic executive positions. The insurance company’s i-LEaD talent strategy and LEaD program were recognized by Chief Learning Officer with a 2018 Talent Strategy Award Silver and Talent Management Award Bronze, respectively. Prior to jumping into the talent and organizational development space, Rebecca was an HR Manager and then Division VP of Human Resources for a multi-state insurance line headquartered in California.
Rebecca brings broad people solutions experience to each situation along with several HR and training certifications, including SHRM-SCP, Insights Discovery Practitioner, NeuroLeadership Institute’s Brain-Based Coaching Certificate, DDI Leadership Mirror 360 Feedback Coach, etc. Rebecca holds a B.A in Communication from Roberts Wesleyan University. She is involved in her local Eastern Panhandle WV community with service on various boards and volunteer committees.
Rebecca loves her Brittany and Lowchen dogs and spends much of her time with her spouse nurturing their little pack on their farm in Martinsburg, WV. She is passionate about preserving the rare breed of Lowchen, a.k.a. “little lion dog”.