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Reston County Community Center Community Survey

A survey conducted for the Reston Community Center (RCC) during the summer of 2019 to:  

  • assess awareness and support for the RCC  
  • understand the current and future use of its programs  
  • identify barriers to use
  • assess the level of support for a performing arts center 
  • identify popular leisure activities and most effective communication practices among Reston residents  

The Reston Community Center’s mission is to provide meaningful leisure-time and cultural experiences as a means to improve the quality of life for the entire Reston community. A total of 1,906 community members participated in the survey.  

A pie chart depicting the level of importance of the RCC to community members' overall quality of life in Reston, ranging from “not at all important” to “very important.”

Overall, there are high levels of awareness and support for the RCC, with 90% of respondents reporting that the RCC makes Reston a more attractive place to live. The most widely used programs and services among both groups are community events, the Professional Touring Artist Series at the CenterStage, drop-in swim, and rental of RCC space. There is widespread support for a performing arts center, with two-thirds (68%) indicating they are at least somewhat interested in Reston having a larger venue for performing arts.  

A bar chart showing the reasons households hve not participated in RCC programs in the last year, with the top responses being: “too busy,” “don't know about current programs,” and “not interested in current programs.”

The survey results indicate support for expanded program options and continued exploration of the potential for a new performing arts center in Reston. Findings also show the vast majority of residents would like to attend RCC events and programs more than they currently do, underscoring the importance of community outreach and publicity initiatives. 

For the full report and related content, download the files below. 


Reston County Community Center Community survey_full report


Reston County Community Center Community survey_appendices